The 17 best tourist

The 17 best tourist destinations of 2018 (including a Latin American country), according to CNN
A look at the ten most visited countries in Europe.
With a multitude of languages, cultures and opinions about what it means to live day to day, Europe has always had a great charm for travelers, and it is difficult to choose where to start traveling. Here is a list in ascending order of the ten most visited European countries, counting annual international arrivals:
10. Poland, with 13.35 million foreign visitors every year
Poland, Chopin's homeland is certainly diverse. With beaches to the north, mountains in the south and a wonderful landscape in the middle, the food and the cities of each region are quite different. The walkable Krakow is a favorite tourist destination with its friendly inhabitants and several sites declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
9. Greece, with 16.42 million foreign visitors each year
Greek hospitality without equal is something that has to be experienced, like sunsets, beaches and food. Probably the best adjective to describe Greece would be "impressive": a night view of the Acropolis of Athens, the white houses of Santorini and the 1,000 miles of coastline are more than enough to scare away any lingering cynicism.
8. Ukraine, with 21.41 million foreign visitors every year
Ukraine is still on the periphery of the most visited countries in Europe, but one thing can change that: it's cheap. The ability to stay on a tight budget allows visitors to taste vodka and local beer, as well as enjoy gastronomy. The capital, Kiev, has some truly inspiring churches that stand in stark contrast to the Soviet concrete blocks that were built after the city collapsed in World War II. Ukraine also offers the opportunity to make a truly different trip to Chernobyl and the adjacent city of Pripyat, which was abandoned during the night of the disaster and retains an unpleasantly creepy feeling.
7. Austria, with 23.01 million foreign visitors every year
Many may have been introduced to Austria through Smiles and Tears, but those pastoral scenes are only the tip of Austria's charm. This small country is a mecca for skiers most of the year, but those who are less inclined to sports can still enjoy panoramic views while eating delicious desserts on a cloudless afternoon. Salzburg's favorite son, Mozart, still comes back to life at the city's annual international music festival, and visitors can also navigate through the Zotter chocolate factory and the Worlds park where the Swarovski crystal has exhibitions of creations of the company.
6. Russia, with 24.93 million foreign visitors every year
When speaking about the country of Russia, some adjectives come to mind: cold, vast and mysterious. But vast just means more places to visit. For those who have the time, the Trans-Siberian Railway is the best way to enjoy the wide open spaces and its cities. Russia also offers a lot of microclimates and the city of Moscow is one of its great attractions.
5. Germany, with 28.37 million foreign visitors each year
The Oktoberfest usually comes to mind in the first place when you think about the reasons to visit Germany, and there are a lot more. The Bachfest Leipzig and the Wagner Festival are a true paradise for lovers of classical music, while Berlin's underground culture and the alternative art scene make a contrast. The field can not be lost, either. The well marked trails of the country allow a spectacular view of the houses of the villages and castles. And certainly not least, Germany borders nine countries, which provides the perfect excuse to rent a car and travel to other countries through its highways with no speed limit.
4. United Kingdom, with 29,30 million foreign visitors every year
In the UK, England stands out, which remains expensive, but the large number of things to do for free, including the vast British Museum and the National Gallery, helps balance budgets. London is the main attraction for many, since the story is literally in their hands, but Wales, Ireland and Scotland have their own fascinating history, culinary delights and castles enough to seriously consider investing in one if it were the case that we were billionaires .
3. Italy, with 46.11 million foreign visitors each year
Where to start with Italy? Fashion, food, art, architecture, history? Italy is a paradise for lovers, foodies, wine snobs and history buffs ... and everyone else, too. A night walk through the Roman ruins, jumping from one local butcher to another to find the perfect prosciutto, browse the gelato stores ... all these experiences are enhanced by the simple fact of being in a beautiful country that leads His epic story very seriously.
2. Spain, with 56.69 million foreign visitors each year
It is no secret that Spain is still trying to seize its way out of an unprecedented recession; but it is rolling in the richness of its history and the artists and writers it has fostered. It's hard not to spend a whole day of partying and exploring the well-preserved Moorish architecture and history in the region of Andalusia or moving through the winding streets of Toledo, which was once the epicenter of Jews, Christians and Muslim groups living in harmony. The infinite culture of Spain also includes the Prado Museum and two museums dedicated to Pablo Picasso. Those who get lost can find themselves on the road to Santiago de Compostela or with many other clueless people on a beach in Barcelona.
1. France, with 81.41 million foreign visitors every year
And finally we arrived in the most visited country in Europe: France (It also tops the list of most visited countries in the world) With a reputation for impeccably dressed woman, sexy accents and an overwhelming emphasis on love and food, are there any surprises? in which France does not surpass the rest of countries? Everyone knows that Paris has the Louvre Museum, the Eiffel Tower and the Arc de Triomphe, but there is much more than France. Lyon is known for having the most Michelin-starred restaurants after London, Paris and Brussels, and of course the sparkling waters of the French Riviera, picturesque villages and the Alps to the southeast invite you to travel. In addition, hitchhiking is legal, giving the whole thing a more adventurous touch if emotions go. Although no matter where you go, a bottle of wine or champagne will be at your fingertips closer than you think.

The 17 best tourist The 17 best tourist Reviewed by jose on junio 20, 2018 Rating: 5
