Master of Business Administration

  Master of Business Administration

Master of Business Administration (MBA) is a master's degree in business administration. MBA is a pragmatic, composite and applied high-level management talent that can meet the needs of senior management of business and economic management departments. It combines theory and practice. Other graduate students only cultivate scientific research and teaching talents, prefer theory, and do not participate in practice; MBA students are generally enrolled in colleges and universities, and have more than three years of work experience in the state organs and business units and industrial and commercial enterprises and Technical staff, while other graduate students can recruit new graduates, but also recruit incumbents; different ways of training, MBA education is essentially a professional practice, with particular emphasis on mastering modern management theories and methods, through business Case analysis, practical observation, analysis and decision-making skills training, etc., to develop students' practical skills, so that students receive the challenges of knowledge and skills, personality and psychology, goals and aspirations, and more professional competitive strength, while other graduate students focus on Theoretical study, academic Study.

The MBA degree was established by Harvard Business School (HBS) and is gradually recognized by major business schools around the world, offering courses and setting up relevant degrees.


The emergence of the Master of Business Administration (MBA) [1] has  made Chinese education in line with the world. There are two master's degrees in China, one is an academic master's degree and the other is a professional master's degree. Generally speaking, the academic master's degree is a unique degree system in China, and there is no academic degree in foreign countries. The master's degree is a unified degree in the world's colleges and universities. That is to say, there is only one master's degree in foreign countries. Whether it is engaged in academic research or a master's degree in practice, it is awarded an MBA degree abroad, and there is no academic degree or professional degree abroad. . Therefore, the existence of two master's degrees in China is characterized by Chinese characteristics. China introduces MA, MFA, MBA and other degree systems in order to connect with the world. The master's degree in literature studies abroad is ultimately awarded to the MA degree; the master's degree in the field of art is awarded to the MFA degree; the master's degree in business studies is awarded the MBA degree, which is the unified degree system of the world universities. There is no academic master's degree in foreign countries. That is to say, when you get a master's degree and a master's degree in business administration from abroad, you are certified and translated into Master of Business Administration, which is also an MBA. It is not recognized in foreign countries. Overall, the academic degree is the Chinese domestic system, and the MBA degree is the international institutional system of the global universities.

Historical origin

The MBA was originally born in the United States . After hundreds of years of exploration and hard work, it has cultivated a large number of outstanding business management talents and created the myth and miracle of American economic development. Known as "the pride of the sky " and "management talents", the MBA has become a special person in the corporate world and even in society, and is even regarded as a "business hero" in the public mind. According to statistics, the overwhelming majority of senior executives and chairman of the 500 largest companies in the United States are MBAs. This amazing fact is the best illustration of the successful performance of MBA education. MBA means superior ability, courage, and morality; it represents wealth, status, power, and honor; it indicates hope, success, and glory.
In 1966, the Chinese University of Hong Kong Business School opened a two-year MBA program and became the first business school in Asia to offer an MBA.

Professional presentation

Business administration is the science of studying the laws governing the rules of profitable organizations and the theory, methods and techniques of business management.
This profession has a wide range of courses and many courses, covering many courses in economics and management. Therefore, business administration is a broad-based discipline, and individuals can choose a professional direction according to their own hobbies. For example, enterprise management, marketing, human resources, financial management accounting, corporate investment, etc.
The society believes that industrial and commercial administration is business administration. In fact, there are some misunderstandings. Business management and industrial and commercial administration have great differences in professional training objectives, core competences, and professional courses. Therefore, the two cannot be treated as a profession.

Subject development

In the 20th century, the 70s and 80s, it can be said that it is the golden age of MBAs all over the world. The western countries headed by the United States are economically in good shape. Enterprises need a large number of management talents, especially business school graduates from famous universities. Therefore, the MBA degree is in short supply. As students are eager for MBAs, well-known and unknown institutions around the world have set up MBA programs. In the United States, there are so many MBA programs that there has been a flood of situations. In all fairness, limited to teachers, books and equipment, and the weak academic foundation of students themselves, the MBA programs in some institutions do have problems in quality. In the late 1980s, the peak of the MBA, by 1991, the number of students taking the MBA program began to fall slightly. Later, a number of institutions innovated the MBA program, and the number of applicants began to rise again in 1993.

Application conditions

1, People's Republic of China citizens .
2. Supporting the leadership of the Communist Party of China, and willing to serve the socialist modernization drive with good moral character and law-abiding.
3. Candidates must meet one of the following qualifications:
  a) Those with three or more years of work experience after having a nationally recognized undergraduate degree.
  b) Those who have obtained master's and doctoral degrees and have two or more years of work experience.
  c) After obtaining a nationally recognized college degree, there are five or more years of work experience,
  4. Good health, and meet the prescribed medical examination standards.
  In addition, each school may also formulate the conditions for applying for the school based on the MBA requirements set by the education department. For example, Tsinghua University, for college graduate candidates, requires outstanding work performance (related certificates, performance reports), or papers with a bachelor's degree, related to business administration majors (more than 10,000 words); must pass the National University English CET Level 4 exam.
  So, before you apply to a school, you need to figure out its additional conditions.

Admission related

Application conditions
work experience:
According to reports, the MBA is to train white-collar workers with work experience so that they can become professional managers after graduation.
Bachelor of Science:

Applicants must have a bachelor's degree in university . Undergraduate students of any professional background can apply, and they need talents with both professional knowledge and management ability in all walks of life. In most cases, masters of American schools require applicants to have work experience, and some schools also have no job. Experienced students. But in most cases, MBA students have an average of five years of work experience. The school hopes that students have a successful career and bring these practical experiences to the class to share with classmates; applicants must have sufficient funds. The tuition fee for the MBA is very expensive, and the cost of living in the United States for about 2 years is not a small amount. It is recommended that you take the cost into consideration when making your choice. Candidates with good academic and work backgrounds must try to apply for scholarships, teaching assistants or research assistants.
Application materials:
It is understood that the application for MBA materials generally includes six items: application form and application fee, university transcripts (if you are a graduate student, you also need transcripts for graduate students); MBA transcripts for business management graduate students (GMAT) The school also accepts the GRE scores; TOEFL scores, some schools also accept IELTS and PTE scores; work resumes, candidates must clearly state their work unit, job title, job description and separation Reasons; short essays are a good opportunity for candidates to demonstrate their strengths and to seize this opportunity. Candidates should also study the school they are applying for. They must point out why the school is suitable for themselves. The recommendation letter usually consists of two or three letters. The letter of recommendation should be written by the direct supervisor of the applicant. At least one of them is now The work unit wrote.

MBA score line

The 2013 National MBA Admission Test results, hope to provide timely and useful information with the majority of candidates, can provide more help with candidates.

Master of Business Administration Master of Business Administration Reviewed by eft on enero 04, 2019 Rating: 5
